Love Wool Now Online!
Hello, all you wonderful woolies! We’ve finally developed our website, and it’s my pleasure to let you all know what it’s about.
While we have a bricks and mortar shop in Portadown, here at Love Wool we have grown increasingly conscious that our customers now come from all across the globe and it would be a shame for you to miss out on the ‘love wool experience’ purely because we’re not just round the corner from you. This website serves as a solution for those who love what we do but can’t access our shop – it is our way of reaching out to you.
As well as our worldwide woolies, we also know that our local woolies sometimes need the added convenience of a postal service for yarn or even to have orders ready for collection and this need is even greater with the current Covid-19 pandemic. Once again this is where the love wool web site comes in. This can be your go-to place to buy yarn, patterns and haberdashery supplies as well as order gift vouchers and in the fullness of time when our shop is open again to book workshops and classes,
Obviously we still want you all to visit the shop when we are open again and soak up its wooly atmosphere and sense of community but we want to provide you with a flexible service also and to provide you with more choice.
Although the webshop will not have as extensive a range as we stock in-store, we will still feature a fine selection of yarns that embody the essence of Love Wool. Hopefully, in time, it will be possible to expand our online operations, but to begin with we will attempt to offer high-quality service on a small scale and see where it goes.
To purchase directly from our webshop, all you need to do is to set up an account – we’ll handle the rest. The aim of this website is to give all of our customers access to the convenience of paying securely online for yarn, workshops, classes, and Love Wool merchandise.
We also plan to have an active blog page and welcome requests and suggestions for topics of interest. This way we can share our wooly knowledge, stories and exploits and have a good chat and community in the same way we do in our shop. Ultimately we want you to feel part of love wool and to enjoy your online shopping experience.